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Hello and welcome to Recovery Revolution! We are an organization that collectively aims to help those who suffer from eating disorders regain their lives back.. get the pun? We want to help you in all areas of your eating disorder so that you can a) tackle the damaging behaviours, b) learn to cope with the emotions, c) restore health through providing biological information, d) helping rebuild the damage done from your eating disorder whether it be health or deterioration of any social life you had, as we all know how isolating ED's are. 


This is a sight where you can feel safe whenever you feel like restricting, binging, purging, anything harmful to do with ED's really. We want to be the place you go when you are feeling desperate so you can learn coping strategies and work behind the feelings. We understand that to you the fear of the food may seem very real. That kit kat bar might seem horrendously scary or even that apple.. we want to show you that it really ISN'T about the food... You aren't really scared of that kit kat or weight gain.. You are scared of what will happen when you gain weight or let go of your habits. Chances are, you use food whether sparingly or abundantly, as a coping tool and perhaps as a way to avoid the possibility that you are not good enough. You might be scared that when you recover you will have no 'excuse' to do poorly in school or not 'get that job' or to be a 'failure'. 


We want you to know that if you are thinking the above, not only are you not alone, but you are being tricked.. tricked by those eating disordered thoughts because the irony of ED's is that they are self handicapping terrible mental illnesses which are holding you back from shining in the world and showing what you are really capable of. Recovery revolution wants to help you fight back! Join the recovery revolution. 

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